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Aid Management Platform Knowledge Sharing Workshop

December 13, 2010 |    | 

CCAPS adaptation aid researchers Catherine Weaver and Christian Peratsakis participated in Development Gateway’s Aid Management Platform (AMP) Knowledge Sharing Workshop in Nairobi, Kenya in December 2010. Development Gateway’s Aid Management Platform is a web-based system that provides recipient countries with tools to better track and manage aid information within the government and across donors. There are currently ten countries in Africa using the AMP system.

The AMP workshop created a forum to exchange best practices among countries currently using Development Gateway’s AMP system and to discuss larger issues pertaining to international aid effectiveness and transparency. CCAPS researchers met with officials from African governments to assess how they utilized AMP and other aid tracking mechanisms to manage their aid flows, analyze aid distribution, and assess the effectiveness of adaptation projects.

The trip built key new relationships between the CCAPS program and officials in government agencies across Africa. Researchers laid the foundation for future field research and collaboration on aid management in Malawi, Madagascar, Ethiopia, Liberia, and the South Sudan.

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