Strauss Center News

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CAMPI Releases August 2022 Metering Report

Aug 31, 2022 |

The Central America and Mexico Policy Initiative (CAMPI), led by our CAMPI Fellows Stephanie Leutert and Caitlyn Yates, have released the quarterly Metering report for August 2022. In a shift from past metering reports, this August 2022 update also includes numbers from Title 42 exception waitlists. In many cities, Title 42 exception waitlists have replaced the asylum waitlists that were closed or dissolved in March 2020, when Title 42 began. By including these Title 42 exception lists, this report aims to provide a more accurate picture of the number of individuals waiting in Mexican border cities. Title 42 waitlists are similar to the asylum waitlists documented in previous metering updates, as both reflect individuals waiting to claim asylum in the United States.
