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Inboden on the U.S.-French Relationship

Nov 18, 2013 |

Strauss Center Distinguished Scholar and Clements Center Director William Inboden writes about the relationship between the United States and the French with respect to the Middle East on Foreign Policy’s Shadow Government Blog. In his recent post, Why French Fries Really Are Freedom Fries, Inboden discusses French opposition to the Obama Administration’s ongoing efforts to negotiate a nuclear deal with Iran. This opposition, Inboden explains, is consistent with a history of assertive French foreign policy, and is a part of broader French leadership in responding to recent issues emanating from the Middle East. The U.S., by contrast, has alienated its allies and enemies alike with what Inboden characterizes as its failed Middle East policy, and would be well-served by recalibrating its policies and reconnecting with its friends, particularly those in Paris.
