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Strauss Scholar Inboden Encourages Us to Give Thanks on Election Day

Nov 6, 2012 |

As the 2012 election reaches fever pitch, Dr. William Inboden takes the time in his recent work to discuss what the U.S. has to be thankful for. Beginning with the basic fact that win or lose the candidates will honor the wishes of the electorate and submit to the authority of the vote without fear of violent reprisal or coup. Second, while the issues that face the U.S. are significant, our existence is not threatened as it was in 1860 before the Civil War, 1940 as WWII approached or during the Cold War when nuclear apocalypse was a very real threat. Finally, in light of the violence in Syria, dubious elections in China and Russia, and suppression in Iran, U.S. citizens are fortunate to have the right to choose their leaders. Dr. Inboden finishes his piece poignantly, “The freedom we have in the United States to choose our own leaders and know that they will honor the democratic process “˜has been bought with a price,’ to invoke the biblical phrase. Let us honor it, and be thankful, as we vote this election day.”

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